Sunday, September 18, 2011

Shrimp Fest, Brown-noser, and Surf Fishing

A quick bit of surf fishing yesterday, then I tied some flies. I learned the shrimp pattern at my first Virginia Coastal Fly Angler's club meeting. It was a good time and I brought home a few materials to try tying the pattern on my own. I ran out for the third and had to make due, but I think it will be fine. I also added the pink hackle as opposed the white (how I was taught). Hopefully these will find me some speckled trout in the near future.

The shrimp eyes are beads melted onto mono-filament line. The body casing is created using epoxy. Shrimp swim backwards so that explains the orientation.

I also threw together my first clouser. I call him "The Brown-noser." I gave it a brown back and white belly with some flash and a small amount of red deer hair in between.

Here is a quick video showing the conditions on the surf. It was a lot of fun jumping in the waves and I caught my first black drum.... It was just a pup, but still :)

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