Last Saturday, I got in two more hours before season ended in Minnesota's East Coast/Wisconsin's West Coast.
Courtney, @SculpinArmy, and hopscotched our away from run to run, pool to pool and tree stump to tree stump.
The overcast skies and mild weather were comfortable conditions for swinging large flies made of buck tails and rabbit strips.
We found plenty of easer smaller trout. Nothing spectacular, but fun. I was getting ready to announce, "You know, it is just great to get out one more time. It doesn't matter if we catch any big ones..."
And that's when I had a nice take. I was throwing an articulated streamer tied by Courtney. Light in color, fast in action.
19 inches of browned butter sauce and black peppercorn.
Now that is how you end a season of fishing in the Driftless Area.
Sweet fish man, you're right, if you're gonna go out, that's the way to do it!