Friday, January 27, 2012

Rest Easy, Friday Night: Vol. 6: Vacation Edition

The Bay

Tomorrow morning,
Sara and I are heading for warmer waters.
Fly rod and box in tow
My mornings will be spent lurking the beach
Watching the water for shifting shadows
And tailing fish, a poker player with an obvious tell.

I've been a houseplant resting
By a poorly lit window
Trying my best to look green.
I've only been able to pull off
The pale shade of lima been.
Flies for The Trip.

Tomorrow, tomorrow
Soak up the sun
On borrowed time.
Drink the food
And eat the vine
For vacations last
Too short in time.

As I leave you all
To your own devices
I share with you 
Beautiful voices.
The tunes that fill my mind
As I walk through wards
And daydream of places 
blue and warm.

To start I want to show you
Something quite unique.
The Tune Yards are a band
You have to see.

Next is someone
I've enjoyed for several years.
Lisa Hannigan used to back up Damien Rice
But she's now out on her own for you to hear.

And lastly, is someone I found on
Zee Avi has an island feel
With an old school voice.


  1. "And tailing fish, a poker player with an obvious tell."...Have fun!

    Thanks for sharing some beautiful voices.

  2. Hope you're having a blast! Sanders - see. what'd I tell you? I'm 3 hours ahead of you, but just a few days behind you on the comments of every decent fishing blog known to man. :)

  3. Thanks guys! Just got back. I'll get back to some posting soon.
