Thursday, April 5, 2012

It's like I'm Harry Potter

The Owl Post (mail) came today. I feel like Harry Potter.

Had I the time or skill,
I would have changed the name and address to my own.
Owl Jones held a video contest for an Orvis Sling Pack. Did I need another pack of any sort? Of course not. My justification was that my current favorite pack is a blaze orange Lowe Alpine fanny pack. I use it like a sling pack. I figured this might be a nice opportunity to acquire something more official and less blaze orange
So yesterday, the mail arrived. Stuffing my box was a happy package. I'm not sure how the Owl opened the mailbox with its talons, but I assume it took some tricky foot work. They must do karaoke (the foot work drill, not the drunken bar entertainment... though I suppose a drunk walk could look like the drill, but I digress.)

Here is what I found in the package:

Zazzy Poppers! These are, honestly, quite awesome.

See, it looks pretty snazzy, eh?


  1. Quite Zazzy! Congrats on the haul!

    1. thank you thank you. They are pretty awesome poppers. Now I have to find some local freshwater. it is harder than it sounds here in norfolk. and congrats on the inclusion to the TU blog list. whether you feel it is deserved or not, that's great :)

  2. Are you going to make a sequel to your first video?

  3. David
    Owl Jones did you right there--those are some fantastic poppers--I will be waiting for a report on all of them.

  4. Glad you like the poppers and the Sling. I'm eagerly awaiting some big fish stories to go with those things! :) PS - I used my beak.

  5. You ever catch anything on these?
