Friday, March 4, 2011

Who pooped on my balcony?

Someone or something pooped on my balcony. Doesn't look like a bird or
squirrel. Any ideas? We live in an 2nd floor apartment in Omaha so I figure it isn't a monkey, fish, or dog.


  1. Wow, that's quite a turd on a ledge you've got there. That construction (what little I can see of it) looks a lot like an apartment where I lived in Knoxville.
    My first guess would be a housecat, but it looks like a small poop for a cat if that is indeed a 2x piece of dimensional lumber it's perched on. I think it's safe to rule out any birds with no white urates present.
    It definitely looks mammalian... and carnivore at that. Maybe a raccoon or an opossum? They're both quite arboreal.

  2. Crazy right? I agree about being arboreal. If it is a raccoon or possum they are living in or climbing on our apartment building. I'm perplexed.

  3. No verdict. The world may never know.

  4. Gotta love a mystery poo!

  5. aliens. it's my answer to everything.

  6. Update. Thank you k and t for your thoughts. I do love the mystery poo and, yes, it could be aliens. Even though I love it, I hate it. But nevertheless, it remains pasted to the balcony. No new sightings. No new poo.
